Image source: Model Homes | Ashley Homes (
Each year, we at Rhino Shield visit hundreds of homes in the Jacksonville area to apply our home-exterior coating. On the various jobs we’ve performed, we’re often asked questions related to home improvement in general. Many times, people want to know who the best in a specific field are, and home builders are a common topic.
We do our research on not only our competition but other Jacksonville businesses outside of exterior painting too. We want our customers to be as informed as possible.
Here’s a list of home-building companies we’ve seen over the years that stand out to us. This list is not in any particular order. All of these are simply our top picks.
1. Providence Homes
With 30+ years of experience, Providence Homes has a respectable 4.9 stars with 131 reviews on Google. They offer the highest-rated energy-efficient homes in today’s market with the ZERH (Zero Energy Ready Homes) designation.
Since their creation, Providence Homes has built more than 2000 houses and has been awarded 20+ awards from Energy Star, EPA, and DOE.
2. Ashley Homes
With 30+ years of experience, Ashley Home’s owner, Chuck Hiers has been involved in the making of over 17,000 homes since his start in the industry in 1980. He’s an experienced builder who’s helped build homes on-site.
Going with Ashley Homes will ensure no CDD fees.
3. KB Homes
KB Homes offers a unique touch in their home-building business with personalization being their motto. They offer a design studio where you get to tour and select various design choices for every part of your house.
You’ll also get expert advice during this process. Customers ranked them #1 out of all the national home builders on TrustBuilder.
4. Gifford Homes
Gifford Homes has 40+ years in the home-building business with a staggering 5-star rating on Google reviews.
Their website has a fantastic portfolio equipped with beautiful pictures of some of the work they’ve done over the years. Additionally, Gifford Homes does home renovations.
These are 4 companies you should absolutely consider if you are looking to build a home in Jacksonville, Florida.
If you’re interested in getting paint on your new home that’ll last far longer than the typical 5 – 7 years, check out Rhino Shield here.
You can also get a free, no-obligation quote from us by clicking this link.